Advice and maintenance

Carnivorous plants require little maintenance. We must give them what they need: light and water. Most carnivorous plants are very light-loving and what could be better than sunlight. The type of soil that is favorable is mainly composed of sphagnum peat moss; this soil should remain moist for most carnivorous plants. Since these plants, in the middle of nature, live in an environment very poor in minerals, it is important to water them with rain water or distilled water.

As bizarre as it may sound, carnivorous plants are subject to attack by insects. Some plants are more sensitive than others. You will have to monitor them and take the necessary measures to protect them against these attacks which can weaken or even kill your plant.


Pinguicula Moranensis

The Pinguicula

Are you looking for an ecological way to solve your problems with humidity or fruit flies?

Une solution serait l'achat d'une Pinguicula Moranensis!  Elle remplace les fameux collants jaunes.  Quoi de mieux de rendre l'utile à l'agréable.

Cette plante carnivore est composée de feuilles larges qui produisent du mucus collant. Les insectes qui s'y déposent seront pris au piège.

Lorsque la plante fleurie, elle produit une belle fleur de couleur fuschia ressemblant à celle des orchidées.

Cette plante se divise en 2 chaque année. Lorsque vous effectuerez cette division, ce pourrait être le moment parfait pour placer vos pots aux endroits stratégiques pour lutter contre les insectes nuisibles.  Prévoyez la rempoter dans un pot plus grand puisse qu'elle grossit continuellement.


Depending on where you live, delivery may be made by vehicle instead of Canada Post. In the event that delivery is made by mail, the plants will be delivered, as far as possible, with the pot and its substrate. We may have to deliver the plants with bare roots without substrate. You will be notified if necessary.

It is important to make sure that you take possession of your package as quickly as possible to avoid stress on the plants. It is for this reason that no mail delivery will be made when we judge the temperature or delivery time to be unsuitable for the plants.

For any damage during transport, it is important to email us with pictures so that we can serve you well.

Seed orders are delivered year round, regardless of temperature or delivery time.

Looking forward to serving you!